Pommade de guérison | 100% ingrédients naturels et huiles essentielles | Soins corporels

En utilisant la pharmacie de mère nature, cette pommade de guérison contient quelques-unes des plantes thérapeutiques supérieures et des huiles pour apaiser les brûlures mineures, les éruptions cutanées et les coupures. Le plantain, la camomille et le calendula fournissent tous des propriétés antibactériennes et anti-inflammatoires naturelles. L’huile d’olive, la cire d’abeille et la vitamine E aident à hydrater et protéger la peau. Les huiles essentielles de lavande et d'huiles de mélaleuca améliorent le baume comme désinfectants antibactériens naturels.  Un mini-tube pratique signifie que vous pouvez le transporter partout où vous allez! 
Ingrédients: Huile d'olive, cire d'abeille, plantain, camomille, calendula, vitamine E, d'huiles de mélaleuca et de lavande.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

An excellent alternative to a conventional pharmaceutical product.

Thank you so much for sharing your review!

Miracle Salve

I have been buying this salve both in the tin and in the stick format for many, many years. It all started with my grand-daughter who was born with many allergies and eczema. Nothing would help, she would scratch and scratch and never found relief, until I tried the salve on her. It was a real miracle. Everything would disappear in minutes and finally, she would find relief. Her mother made me buy the tin and the stick because she would have the tin at home and give the stick to the kindergarten teacher, who herself could not believe how fast it would work. My daughter lives in Portugal and I make sure that I bring her tins and sticks every time I visit her. Now my oldest son had a sore on his leg that would not go away, he had tried everything, nothing worked. I gave him a tin of the salve and voilà, it really, really helped. I just ordered him more a few weeks ago. My husband uses it daily to thicken the skin on his nose in order to hide the veins that appear as you aged because of the thinning of the skin. He loves it and recommends it to all his buddies. The salve has so many uses and it is so natural, moreover, it really works. I love it!

WOW! What an amazing testimony to the healing salve! We really appreciate you taking the time to write such a thorough and presonal review and we are thrilled to know how much it has helped your family. ♥

Francois Charbonneau
Healing salve - amazing product

Healing salve , great product!
I’ve been using it for years.
Works for sun burns ( plantain is one of the ingredients, especially beneficial for healing sunburn). Did wonders for fading facial brown spots after continuous use. Minimizes scarring .It’s a must! All of that comes with great customer service!

Wow! You made our day with this review and we also appreciate you sharing your experience using the product. ♥

Nancy R.
Healing Salve

I just love this product - it really works well to heal cuts, burns and other skin issues

Thanks for sharing your review Nancy :-) We're glad to hear the healing salve is your natural 'go-to'!

Elodie Addesso
Amazing for tattoo healing!

I’ve been using healing salve for my most recent healing tattoos! I simply applied a thin layer and it helped with any itchiness and dryness I had during the healing process. 10/10 recommend.

This is great news! We're so glad to hear that the salve helps with tattoo healing :-) Thanks for your feedback!