May Showers Bring June Flowers?

May Showers Bring June Flowers?

May 01, 2017 2 Comments

Garden Path Homemade Soap - Made in Canada

It’s raining again today, and although it is damp and cool, life outdoors is growing and changing constantly at an alarming rate. It’s amazing to think how only a few weeks ago there was still snow on the ground. Our monarch flag proudly welcomes visitors to this year’s garden display and we anxiously await the return of our winged wonders. The milkweed has not yet emerged from its sleep, but it will only be a matter of days before it pokes through the soil ready to feed the monarch caterpillars. Spring is a new beginning and with it comes new adventures and opportunities. We will be expanding our gardens  again this year by planting 70 more lavender plants and incorporating more calendula and chamomile – two widely used medicinal herbs that are used in many of our products.

Garden Path Homemade Soap - Made in Canada Garden Path Homemade Soap - Made in Canada

We also have plans to create a new herb drying space – one which will be accessible to our visitors! There are other surprises in the works, but for now we will embrace this season as our gardens come to life with vigour. Won’t you join us!  

Garden Path Homemade Soap - Made in Canada

2 Responses

Annette Moreau
Annette Moreau

July 05, 2017

Loved visiting the beautiful grounds and the soaps and bath salt I bought are just lovely.

Sylviane Trudel
Sylviane Trudel

May 03, 2017

Beautiful photos and the blogs is a great way to keep in touch will “What’s happening”.

Thank you ?

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